Requirements for Ph.D. Thesis Submission

Updated on 23rd December 2021

At the time of submission:

  1. One passport-size photograph
  2. Four copies of thesis
  3. Four copies of abstract, soft bound (Signed & attested by Supervisor)
  4. Admission slip (photocopy), in which the date of Admission is indicated
  5. No dues certificate (original)
  6. Two soft copies of thesis on CD.
    In the soft copy, separate out each section of the thesis into an individual pdf file and save it as 01_title, 02_declaration, 03_certificate, 04_contents, 05_chapter1 etc.
  7. Soft copy of abstract on a CD
  8. Marksheet of course work.
  9. Pre-Ph.D. Presentation certificate (original)
  10. One paper published (Signed & attested by Supervisor and candidate sign.)
  11. Two seminar certificate National/International, Sign by Supervisor & candidate sign.
  12. If any change in topic or supervisor, copy of minutes of B.O.S.
  13. If five years completed, copy of extension letter
  14. Plagiarism report (signed by supervisor)
  15. Two completed forms for digital archiving: ShodhGanga forms

CD Format

  1. Title
  2. Declaration - with signature
  3. Certificate - with signature
  4. Contents
  5. List of Tables
  6. List of Figures
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Chapter-1
  9. Chapter-2
  10. ...
  11. Chapter-n
  12. Appendix
  13. References
  14. Published paper (pdf of the published paper)

Some students recently faced a problem while submitting their thesis. Apparently their burned CD was showing an extra file (which everybody presumed was a virus) in Windows, but was not seen in Ubuntu.

That is a checksum file Ubuntu creates while burning the CD to keep a check on the correctness of the written data. That is a hidden file, so is not visible in normal viewing in Ubuntu. In the file browser preferences if you enable displaying hidden files, you can see that file.

How to disable automatic creation of checksum file on the CD

  1. Go to Applications/Sound & Video and open Brasero Disc Burner
  2. Go to the Edit option in Brasero and click on Plugins
  3. There will be many options including File Checksum and Image Checksum.
    Disable the two options and exit from Brasero.
  4. Next time when you burn a CD, checksum file will not be added to the CD.