Workshops, Conferences, Schools
- Indo-South Africa Workshop on Astrophysics
September 29, 2023
- One Day Indo-Russian Discussion Meeting
On Gravity And Cosmology
December 20, 2019
- Half-Day Meeting on Gravity and Astro-Particle Physics
February 27, 2019
- Indo-South Africa Workshop on
Gravitation and Cosmology
March 3--4, 2018
- General Relativity Centennial
December 10--12, 2015
- Workshop on Cosmology with Large Scale Structures
5-9 January 2015
- International Conference on Matters of Gravity and the Universe
27-29 October 2014
- Symposium on Astro-Particle and Nuclear Physics
21-22 January 2014
- Some Aspects of Theoretical Physics
14 May 2013
- International Workshop on Dark Energy
21-23 December 2011
- IUCAA School On Gravitation And Astrophysics @CTP-JMI March 15-18, 2011
- Indigo - ACIGA meeting on LIGO-Australia Feb 08-10, 2011
Sponsors: IndIGO & DST
- XXVI SERC Main School on Theoretical High Energy Physics January 31-February 20, 2011
Sponsor: DST
- 3rd Indo-Japan Workshop on Gravitation and cosmology January 23, 2011
Sponsors: DST-JSPS
- VIII FTAG meeting 19th-23rd April 2010
- Indo Japan Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology 29-30 December 2009
Sponsors: Dept. of Science and Technology, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Jamia Millia Islamia
- Indo-Japan Workshop on Cosmology 27 December 2008
Sponsors: Dept. of Science and Technology, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Jamia Millia Islamia
- Two day meeting on prospects and problems in Gravitation and Cosmology 29-30 January 2008
Sponsor: Jamia Millia Islamia
- 'HEPCOS-2008' on Advances in High Energy Physics & Cosmology
11-12 March, 2008 Sponsors: IUCAA-Pune , IMSc-Chennai, SINP-Kolkata, HRI-Allahabad, CTP-JMI
- 24th meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and
Gravitation 5-8 February, 2007
Sponsors: Jamia Millia Islamia, IUCAA, Pune, IAGRG society
- One-day Meeting on "Perspectives in High Energy Physics & Cosmology" 17th September, 2007
Sponsor: Jamia Millia Islamia
- One-day Workshop "Indo-Japan Workshop on Cosmology" 27 December 2007
Sponsor: DST, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Jamia Millia Islamia
- One-day Meeting on Nuclear Physics (To felicitate Prof. Q.N. Usmani)
November, 2006
Sponsor: Jamia Millia Islamia

XXVI SERC main school on High Energy Physics in progress in CTP (2011).