To be a leading centre of excellence for research and educational
outreach in theoretical physics.
Mission of the Centre
To promote scientific research, advanced teaching and training in
areas of theoretical physics particularly Cosmology,
High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Quantum physics.
To provide a forum for interaction among scientists, research
workers, teachers and students.
To disseminate knowledge of recent advances in Theoretical
Physics on a popular level.
A Public Lecture "Exoplanets: the Hunt for Habitable Worlds" by Alessandro Sozzetti, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Italy, was organized at CTP on 19th January 2023.
Rahul Kumar was awarded the Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, with the host instt University of Arizona, starting August 2022.
A SERB Project titled Black hole shadow as a test to modified theories of gravity, worth ₹ 21,71,516 (duration: 36 months), was sanctioned to Prof. Sushant G. Ghosh, March 2022.
Yogesh joined post-doc at CCSP, SGT University, March 2022.
Nur Jaman joined post-doc at IISER-Kolkata, January 2022.
Arun Kumar joined post-doc at the University of Zululand, South Africa, December 2021.
Rahul Kumar joined post-doc at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, August 2021.
Abhishek Parida joined as lecturer at International College of Liberal Arts, Japan, July 2021.
The Visitor’s Award for ‘Research’, instituted by the President of India, was presented to the Cosmology and Astrophysics Research Group, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia for path breaking research carried out in the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology, on 4th February 2015
Prof. M. Sami and
Prof. Anjan Sen joined the International
Science Development Team of
The Thirty Meter Telescope Project,
which is a collaboration of Caltech, University of California (UC) and the
Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA),
and many other countries.
The Centre for Theoretical Physics is a vibrant research centre in the
central university Jamia Millia Islamia. It was established in the year 2006.
During the past decade, Centre for Theoretical Physics (CTP) has
grown into a leading centre for research in the country.
The Centre's activities are mainly in the areas of astrophysics,
gravitation, high energy physics, cosmology and quantum physics.
A significant number
of scientists visit the centre each year, participating in workshops,
seminars, training courses, and a range of other scientific activities.
Summary of achievements
Research Citations: Citation ~21,981; Top cited (50+) = 96
Faculty h-index: 15-53; i10-index: 310
Publications in International Journals with good impact factor ~ 457
Funded Projects (13 Nos) from DST/UGC/SERB/ISRO Funds Procured: Rs. 1,93,64,868
Placement: PhD Awarded: 31, Alumni in Job: 16 and Post Doctoral positions: 15
Others: MHRD GIAN (05 Nos) – 44,000 USD
ICTP/IUCAA Associates = 05
Total Post Docs: 10
Faculty, Post-Doctoral fellows and Students: reviewers in international journals
The building of the Centre for Theoretical Physics, inside the Jamia campus.